Broome and Mitchell (2017)
Ecological impacts of ash dieback and mitigation methods
This Research Note from Forest Research summarises recent research on the ecological value of ash, on tree and shrub species as alternatives to ash, and on the interpretation of this information for woodland management.
The authors quantify the impact of ash dieback on tree mortality across Europe and use this data to develop a long-term predictive model.
By analysis tree ring structures, this study looks at the progression of collar necroses on infected ash trees in south-western Germany.
The National Forest Inventory provides a record of the size and distribution of forests and woodlands in Great Britain. This report is particularly focussed on the quantities of ash in the context of all broadleaved species.
JNCC (2014)
The potential ecological impact of ash dieback
A thorough and detailed report on the impact to British biodiversity of the loss of ash trees due to ash dieback.