Managing Ash Dieback Case Studies
Managing ash dieback: Case Studies – Volume 2 Royal Forestry Society in partnership with Forestry Commission
Broome et al (2014)
Ash dieback and loss of biodiversity – Can management make broadleaved woodlands more resilient?
This report evaluates the practical measures that might be taken to maintain biodiversity if significant numbers of ash trees are lost from British woodlands.
Hill et al (2019)
The £15 billion cost of ash dieback in Britain
The authors look at felling, replanting and loss of ecosystem services to estimate the economic burden of ash dieback.
Kent County Council
Managing Chalara Ash Dieback in Kent
South-eastern England was among the first areas to be badly affected by ash dieback. This report contains advice and information for local woodland owners.
Short and Hawe (2018)
Ash dieback in Ireland
This article outlines the wider experience of remedial silviculture and presents three case studies on silviculture trials in Ireland.
Skovsgaard et al (2017)
Silvicultural strategies for Fraxinus excelsior in response to dieback caused by Hymenoscyphus fraxineus
The authors draw on literature, unpublished observations and personal experience to review current advice on managing sites with ash dieback.